Students in grades K-8 may enter the schoolyard at 7:30 am. Students in Pre K may sign up for before school care that also begins at 7:30 am. The school bell rings at 8:00 am. Before School care is free of charge.
At 8:00 am Pre K students may enter in through the far back door closest to the teachers' parking lot (the side lot). Students in K-8 line up by grade and then enter through the back double doors.
Anyone arriving after 8:00 am must go to the front door and ring the bell. Anyone entering after 8:00 am is tardy.
The classes begin to dismiss at 2:30 pm. The Pre K children will exit through the same door that they entered school in the morning. Grades K-5 enter out of the back doors. Grades 6-8 exit out the gymnasium doors.
After School Program (EDP) is provided at dismissal - please see rates and procedures for the Extended Day Program under the "Student Life" tab.
After School Program is available beginning at 2:30 pm until 5:30 pm Monday through Friday.